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  • Barny

Running – A lucky find

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

So when is the right time to start running? If you start young it may help you progress but you might also burn-out, if you start in your twenties or early 30s you are still in your prime, but it might be hard to commit to training with an emerging career and young family to look after, but what if you are heading into middle-age or beyond? Have you missed the boat, is it too late to harbour goals and aspirations?

The answer to this question is easy. NOW is the right time to start running (and if you are a runner, now is the time to keep going). Running and athletics was a sport that I didn’t take up until I was into my 40s. We decided that athletics was a good activity for our 8-year-old, and after a few months of watching from the side-lines I got caught up in the moment and decided that it was the right time in my life to run my first marathon. In hindsight this was quite a big leap, but a bit of googling produced a training schedule (I wrongly thought I could handle) and 5 months and plenty of crazily naïve training sessions later I found myself on the start line and it didn’t go too badly and from there a whole world of running possibilities has opened up. Cross country and trail races, track and road, learning the value of listening to advice and my body, and the fun of training and racing with friends, helping to support each other to achieve things we weren’t sure were possibly.

In the years that have passed I have manged to throw myself headlong into the sport. I’m still on parent duties helping to support my two favourite athletes, but now I'm out there training, racing, coaching (of course) and volunteering as the event director of FASTFriday, which hosts the England Athletics 10000m track championships. In different ways I enjoy all equally.

None of this was expected when looking for an after school activity for an energetic 8 year old. Its just what happens when you get lucky and something fun.

So, today is a good day to start being a runner and everyday after is a good day to be a runner and if there is any way that I can help you find more enjoyment from your running just get in contact

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